Above is my final narrative self portrait in which I wanted to convey the drastically different thoughts I can have about myself day-to-day and how it ages me as a person. In my eyes you can see the harsh words I think about myself in the right eye and the kinder words I do in the left. These two warring perceptions of my own self image is all consuming sometimes and it has worn me down for years. I depicted myself as an old woman in this by making the wrinkle lines harsher and my lips thinner. I did this because the toll it takes on me is never visible to others, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t consume my mind.

Above is my Jekyl and Hyde Self Portrait in which you can see the two sides of myself that are most apparent. I have a serious and professional side that I keep as my face to the outside world. The face on the right is how I feel sometimes but usually never show it.