Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Class Protocols

Note 1: This course is being taught fully online. Each week we will meet for 4 hours of online synchronous instruction. To successfully take the course you must have a computer with a working camera and audio, and a dependable Internet  connection. You will also need to be able to photograph your drawings, and post them to our Blog.

Note 2: E-mail – please check your college E-mail on a regular basis. This is how I will communicate with you when I need to contact you about the class. Keep a close eye on CourseSite; all assignments, videos and slide presentations will be posted there, as well as grades.  

Note 3: If you encounter problems with the Course Site software or other software associated  with our course, please contact The LTS Help Desk at 610 758 HELP or text: Text 610-616-5910 or by email: helpdesk@lehigh.edu check the Lehigh Library site for all technical questions: https://confluence.cc.lehigh.edu/display/LKB/Library+and+Technology+Services+Help. The Blog on the other hand is not a Lehigh Blog and I am still fumbling through it. There are two videos posted on the Blog for posting images and commenting. Here is a quick YouTube video on photographing your work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyKiq3XrnR8

Note 4: Think about creating a Drawing Folder in your college G-mail      account and every time I send you an email you can use the -move to- function to  store the email in your Art 11 class folder and you will always know where it is if you need to refer back. 

Note 5: Create an Art 11 folder on your desktop to store your images, label all images with your initials and save as JPEGS, you can photograph drawings with your device, edit them on your device and email or airdrop them to yourself.  The blog will accept PNG (screen shots) and JPEG image files     

ONLINE ETIQUETTE:  In an effort to ensure our learning community develops, thrives and sustains throughout our time together, the following ground rules will be in effect at all times: 

1. Participation in synchronous videoconference (Zoom) meetings is equivalent to being present in a face-to-face classroom meeting.

2. We will start each synchronous videoconference meeting on time.

3. Please ensure that you are prepared with any required materials prior the scheduled start of class.

4. Turning off your video and not responding to opportunities to participate virtually is functionally equivalent to being absent.

5. Please talk clearly, the audio portion of videoconferencing can be challenging.

6. Multitasking, checking a phone, texting, napping, eating a meal, or constantly leaving are as disruptive to a virtual meeting as they are to a live class.

7. Treat the diverse contributions made by classmates with respect.  Norms of behavior on social media platforms are not necessarily helpful in the online learning space.  Respect, collegiality, openness, and a hospitable stance towards others are the expectations here.

8. Practice patience and have a sense of humor with technology.

9. Be a learner. Approach new ideas with an open mind, even, especially, when they may challenge your perceptions.

10. Ask for help when you need it, and assist others when possible.

11. Thoughts shared through text online are easily misinterpreted. Please read your posts and comments carefully before you submit them, imagining your audience.

12. Contribute regularly to group dialogue. The contributions of each individual play a role in the collective strength and diversity of our community.

13. If there is anything I can do to help you have a more successful semester, please let me know.

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