Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Course Outline



FEBRUARY 2,4           Introduction to materials, dry and wet, drawing simple objects in charcoal ink and pencil., sketchbook activities, self portrait and drawings of your hands in all media. Readings First Stages 6-23

FEBRUARY 9,11.        LINE: searching, contour, structural, modeled;  proportional accuracy;  single to multiple objects,  simple to complex  objects Reading: First Stages 24-34

FEBRUARY 16,19.      Line:  continued: wet and dry media, more complex objects. baseline, overlapping forms, scale and proportion,. Sketchbook activities line drawings, and proportion.

FEBRUARY 23, 25.     VALUE: modeling the form, form defined by light, tonal keys, contrast, local value, geometric and organic forms, single to multiple objects; also, composition and  texture Sketchbook activities: Value studies, high and low key, high and low contrast, value scales.

MARCH 2, 4                VALUE. continued REPORTS START

MARCH 9, 11              PERSPECTIVE still life as interior, or interior as still life with value. Reading: More About Perspective: 87-100. Sketchbook activities one and two point perspective, boxes and  ellipses, hallway, room, view outside.

MARCH 16, 18                        PERSPECTIVE continued

MARCH 23, 25            WELLNESS WEEK we will figure out how to approach that together maybe a drawing marathon getting all your housemates to pose, maybe a whole week of drawing with your non dominant hand or creating a graphic novel      

MARCH 30, APRIL 1  Composition, still life using thumbnails, and directional lines. Sketchbook activities: placement of object, repetition, variety, balance.

APRIL 6, 8                  Texture, still life objects in value to simulate textures. Sketchbook activities, actual, simulated and invented texture studies.

APRIL 13, 15              Landscape: views outside urban and rural, atmospheric perspective, foliage and architecture. Review of texture, light source and perspective. Reading First Stages 35-39 Sketchbook activities: foliage studies, views out windows, cloud studies, pay attention to light!

APRIL 20, 22              NARRATIVE drawing: proportion, accuracy, expression, composition. Sketchbook activities: clothed figures, active figure studies, hands and feet.

APRIL 27, 29.             Portrait: from life and from photographs, expressive and narrative self-portraits. Reading: posted on CourseSite.  Sketchbook activities include self-portraits from several vantage points in various materials.

MAY 4, 6                    Synthesis in drawing: Illustration and Expression. REPORTS END


PS  If I get vaccinated in time we will try to have an end of semester, socially distanced gathering by Building C